
Product management

This add-on allows you to keep numerical inventory of individual products. These stocks will be automatically deducted when you send the order.

What do you get by installing the "Stock" add-on?

  • Always up-to-date stock status for each product
  • Clear and always perfect information for shoppers about whether a product is in stock and can expect it to be delivered as soon as possible
  • In case of purchasing more than the current stock of a product, you can disable ordering it above the current limit

How it will work with your e-shop

By using the "Stock" module, visitors to your online store will always see the current stock availability of the product they are viewing, with the option to view the exact number of units available. Simply set the initial number of available units for the product (in the "Stock" tab).  It is possible to define alert messages for attempting to order more pieces of products, in case the ordered quantity exceeds the stock or messages where the product is already completely sold out. It also allows you to completely hide products in the store if they are sold out.

Cannot be used at the same time as the "Product in stock" add-on. You can only use one add-on at a time. The "Stock" add-on is an extended version of the simple "Stock" add-on.

Installation procedure

  1. On this page, click on "Install" (if you have more than one e-shop, choose which one you want to install the add-on in)
  2. You will then see the "Warehouse" option in the "Add-ons" section of the e-shop administration.
  3. Click on "Settings" and here you can define "General settings", "Stock labels" and "Shopping cart".This add-on allows you to keep numerical stock of individual products.
  4. These stocks will be automatically deducted in case of order clearance.

    In case you decide not to use the add-on anymore, please inform us at support@flexumshop.com and we will delete it from your e-shop.

Language in administration

The add-on administration interface is available in the following languages:

What does the add-on do?

  • Displays how many pieces are in stock
  • Automatically updates the number of pieces after ordering
  • Displays in preview and product detail
  • You can edit the text in the administration according to your needs

Plugin price

1 day For free
1 week 25 Credit 25 Credits
1 month 100 Credit 100 Credits
3 months 300 Credit 300 Credits
1 year 1 000 Credit 1000 Credits
2 years Best offer! 1 800 Credit 1800 Credits
To install the plugin, you need to have an established store.


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Prices are shown without VAT