Cookie notice
Cookies are files created by the e-shop and stored on your computer via browsers (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, etc.).
The cookie bar is an element that should appear to the customer when they first visit the site.
The customer would see a bar with consent or disagreement to the processing of your customer's data.
You can provide several types of cookies (functional, analytical, marketing, personalization) and choose which to allow or reject.
We definitely recommend having this feature downloaded.
Installation procedure
- On this page, click on "Install" (if you have more than one e-shop, choose which one you want to install the add-on in)
- You will then see the "Cookie notice" option in the "Add-ons" section of the e-shop administration.
- Click on "Settings" and here you can define everything you need.
Nyelv a közigazgatásban
A kiegészítő adminisztrációs felülete a következő nyelveken érhető el:
Mit csinál a kiegészítő?
Cookie bar
Plugin ára
1 nap
1 hét
430 Ft
25 Credits
1 hónap
1 719 Ft
100 Credits
3 hónap
5 157 Ft
300 Credits
1 év
17 190 Ft
1000 Credits
2 év
30 942 Ft
1800 Credits
A beépülő modul telepítéséhez rendelkeznie kell egy alapított üzlettel.
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